8:55 PM: Okay, it's been a lousy day for me. Late last nite, I took ill, and I was not able to update my report with the DialIdol numbers. Also, a pipe is leaking in my walls, and I've spent the whole day and evening worrying that my ceiling and/or my wall is about to collapse.
Plus, my ex-wife broke my heart, stole my pick-up and ran over my dog.
Okay, I made that last part up, but it's still been a lousy day.
I'm doing a little better, and I've decided to try to liveblog the results show tonite.
9:00 PM: Two faithful readers commented on my liveblog last nite:
Anonymous said...
Your faithful reader has some nits in no special order:
The judges did not all agree that the second round was a tie. Randy said he would give it to Melinda.
Simon was already pissed at Jordin when she said "I've actually never heard that song before"" after singing the song he selected for her. Following it up with the crack about him choosing a 70's song shows just how stupid she is, or as she likes to remind everyone to explain her myopic exposure to pop culture, "I'm only 17!" Liking Hansen speaks for itself. I hope she goes home. Write THAT down.
My clock disagrees with your clock. I tuned it at 8:02, and Jordin's first song was already done. (Not that I am compiaining about missing it.)
Kimberly M., a.k.a. KimberlyKnits said...
Faithful Reader KM has some nits as well.
-- On watching it back, I give the first round to Melinda (but "ouch" on the wrong notes in "I Believe In You And Me"), followed by Jordin and Blake in a virtual dead heat.
-- The second round I call a "tie", but not the way the judges did--I think Melinda and Blake tied and Jordin was way back (Jordin should never sing a fast-tempo song and move around the stage again--she has bad breath control and wheezes into the mike).
-- The last round was no contest. Blake won it by a mile on the virtue of actually learning a third song (and performing it excellently), while the other two repeated their songs. Jordin's "I Who Have Nothing" was very nice but the wrong choice for exactly the reason that Simon articulated; she's a teenager singing ancient songs. Plus, it's not cool to diss Simon on air. As for Melinda, she actually forgot the words to "I'm A Woman" but covered well. But, boo to Melinda for not picking something new to "wow" us with. The order for the final round: Blake, Melinda, Jordin.
So, who should go home? Jordin. Who will go home? Well, Blake is obviously vulnerable because he was bookended by the obvious choice (Melinda) and the producer favorite (Jordin), but DialIdol has Blake's raw vote totals about a mile in front of either lady, so I think Blake will squeak in and leave either Jordin or Melinda on the wrong side looking in.
My clock was slightly off yours as well. They started about 30 sec. late, but missed the 9 PM upcut by almost 2 minutes. Shocking, I know.
9:02 PM: Okay, my clock must be off. But I LUV the Homer Simpson doing the "THIS...IS AMERICAN IDOL!!!" intro tonite. Luv that!!!
9:02 PM: Ryan tells us that Elliott Yamin and Maroon 5 will be performing tonite. Surprise, surprise...
9:11 PM: After the replay from last nite, and the break, we pimp the "Top 10" tour...Ryan -- thank you for reminding the potential ticket-buyers that Sanjaya WILL be part of the tour this summer...
9:14 PM: I am reminded why I realized that liveblogging the results show is a waste of time. As we recap Jordin's homecoming this week, the montage is set to a song I don't recognize but which sounds like Bo Bice.
9:16 PM: Is Ryan really this short? Don't we ask this every season?
9:17 PM: Ryan yanks Jordin's chain yet again..."America voted...we'll find out how you did later in the show..."
Yep, waste of time...
9:21 PM: As we'll have nothing else of note about which to blog for a bit, we'll note that DialIdol's final numbers have the Idols in this order: 1) Melinda; 2) Jordin; 3) Blake. But everyone is within the margin-of-error. So, no one is predicted as safe.
Idol watchers may recall that in every previous version of
AI, the Idol who performed first in "Top 3" week ended up going home that week...Paging Jordin Sparks...Paging Jordin Sparks...
Right on cue, Ryan presents this weeks "
Idol challenge", which is, "Which of these Idols was not in last season's 'Top 2' "???
a) Elliott Yamin
b) Katherine McPhee
c) Taylor Hicks
Guess which one performed first AND went home that week???
9:28 PM: It's now Blake's turn to have a Ryan-fucks-with-your-head moment.
Blake, have a seat..."we're not THAT predictable around here..."
9:30 PM: Ryan introduces a singer he says he no longer recognizes. But I do -- it's Usher inhabiting the body of the son of Andy Samberg and Adam Sandler. No, wait -- is that Elliott Yamin??? IT IS!!! And he's singing "Wait For You".
9:37 PM: I'm sure that no one has mentioned that watching -- or liveblogging the Results Show -- live is a waste of time, but I'll note that we have 20+ minutes to go, and we still have Maroon 5 to hear from...plus we have no idea who our "Bottom 2" is -- unless, that is, Ryan's singling out of Jordin and Blake is a "hint"...
9:40 PM: This week's Ford
commercial "video" is the Idols' take on Billy Squier's "Everybody Wants You". I wonder if -- before they filmed this --
AI knew about BS'
current fight with recent
AI "mentor" Bono???
9:44 PM: It's time for Ryan to fuck with Melinda. Don't worry -- we won't learn anything until after Maroon 5 performs.
9:49 PM: We pimp both
On The Lot and and the new
American-Idol-but-with-bands show.
9:50 PM: Ryan tells us that the band they're looking for could be "as big as" Maroon 5, who are most famous for winning Kanye West's "Best New Artist" Grammy in 2005 and for sleeping with Jessica Simpson in 2005-06.
Yeah, I guess you could call that "big".
Adam Levine and crew sing their new single, "Makes Me Wonder". Shockingly, their new album comes out NEXT WEEK.
9:57 PM: Some of my Faithful Readers tell me my clock's off, but my clock says 9:57, and still a commercial for
9:58 PM: We're back. Ryan tells us "almost 60 million votes".
Jordin: SAFE!!!
9:59 PM: Blake and Melinda are Bottom 2.
Melinda: GOING HOME!!!
Our biggest shocker of the season!!!
Blake and Jordin next week in the finals!!!
10:02 PM: Melinda gets the mic and sings "I'm A Woman"...Is my clock still off???
continue reading...