Monday, April 30, 2007

This Is Why We Love Kelly Ann Collins [30 April 2007]

Kelly Ann Collins, a/k/a KAC, a/k/a k@c, a/k/a The Socialite, has long been one of our favorite DC-based bloggers [she's linked over in the left margin -- Ed.]. She takes a blogging-break every so often, but she's back again both on MySpace and with a new blog she calls "Long Live The Plastics" [the name of which we think has something to do with a Lindsay Lohan movie, but we know is not a flattering homage -- Ed.].

Anyway, the famously-club-hopping-socialite-and-charity-organizer rests and recreates at some of DC's finest nightclubs. Which frequently puts her in a position to rub elbows and noses with the glitterati who occasionally grace our fair city. Not letting us down, KAC reports in with a deliciously awesome sighting of...wait for it...XTINA AGUILERA IN DC over the weekend after a show in Baltimore:

You know I really hate to dish out all the "Dirrty" details about people [ha!!! -- Ed.], but come on! If you are too trashed to walk, don't show up at my playground -- even if you are Christina Aguilera.

[Saturday night], I found myself at Play Lounge ... next to Christina Aguilera.

* * *

Miss Thang couldn't talk clearly enough to say "take me drunk, I'm home." And she couldn't walk any better than a kid who'd just been hit in the head with a kickball....

[Xtina and hubby Jordan Bratman] didn't stay very long and didn't touch the bottle on their table ... which says one thing: Christina's limo must be stocked with some serious party gear. I mean, not even I can get that hopscotched up in an hour (the time it usually takes to get from the [1st Mariner] Arena [in Baltimore] to Dupont).

Christina Aguilera: Drunk as a skunk [Long Live The Plastics]

[we'd reprint more, but we don't like to just cut-and-paste other bloggers' posts; sure, we steal -- but we do have SOME morals; please head on over to LLTP and give KAC some love -- Ed.]

[P.S. One of the labels on the post is "like skank me out"...KAC -- will you marry us??? -- Ed.]

1 comment:

Kelly Ann Collins said...

Hey there, Ed!

I love you because you're bloggerful ... ;-)