[serious "inside baseball" alert -- don't say we didn't warn you -- Ed.]
So, Julia Allison, you've had an awesome quarter [or so]...
...or, at least that cardboard cut-out of you that you trot out every so often when you're too busy to keep up with your social calendar has had an awesome quarter.
[Confused DHMBIB readers may want to take a few minutes to brush up on our dear Julia...
Back yet? Okay, let's go!!! -- Ed.]
Julia -- you the former AM New York dating columnist, current Fox News Channel Talking Head and Huffington Post Eat The Press correspondent, and brand new Time Out New York dating columnist -- not to mention Gawker's number one frenemy and the real-life inspiration for one of the most notorious campaign commercials in history -- you sure have been a busy social butterfly recently. So busy, in fact, that it appears you've had to resort to sending your cardboard-cutout "Julia" doppelganger in your place a few times.
Julia, there's no need for you to be so over-extended. Seriously, I can help!!!
Here's your cut-out recently with Fishbowl NY Editor Dylan Stableford...
Obviously, you were also too busy to make the Radar release party, so you sent your cut-out to stand in for you with Chris Tennant...
...and Tinsley Mortimer [a/k/a "The Tinz"]...
and, finally, Defamer editor Mark Lisanti...
And oh! The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner!!! I'm guessing you knew Rich Little was going to be heinously unfunny, so you sent your cut-out in your place, where "she" was photo'd with, among others...
...your-hometown-ragsheet's [Chicago Sun-Times] EIC Michael Cooke...
...and...TONY KORNHEISER???...
...and MISS FREAKING AMERICA [yes, we edit ourselves sometimes -- Ed.] Laura Nelson...
...and tsunami-and-James-Blunt-survivor Petra Nemcova...
...and even possibly the next losing candidate for President of the United States, former Tennessee Senator Fred "I'm not 'Tommy', I'm that guy on Law & Order" Thompson...
...and...and...OMG!!! LOL MY HEADZ EXPLODING!!!
And most recently, here's your cut-out at the Time 100 party a coupla weeks' ago...
...and here again with your sometime-boss-and-all-the-time-BFF, ETP's Rachel Sklar, at the same party...
Julia, I know you were pissed off about not getting a proper invite, so you ended up asking your cut-out to crash the party for you. But I woulda been happy to crash in your place, if only so I coulda been your "stand-in" in this awesome photo of "you" and fellow non-ivitee ANA MARIE COX!!!
Now, I realize that AMC is time.com's Washington "bureau chief" [and Wonkette's founding editor and -- still -- "Wonkette Emerita"], and as such could reasonably have expected an invite to this event. But I'm her "boss" [disclosure -- Ed.], and not even I got invited. Thus, I would've been more than pleased to be her partner-in-crime and stand in for your cut-out if you were too busy to make this soiree.
[long-time readers and/or friends know that we at DHMBIB seriously <3 AMC!!! -- Ed.]
Seriously, Julia, I know you've over-booked your social calendar recently. As a fellow Hoya, I would love to help you out of these sticky situations.
[whispering]Julia! Call me![/whispering]
Monday, May 21, 2007
This Week In Recently In Julia Allison's Life-Sized Cardboard Cut-Out [21 May 2007]
Posted by
Rob Murphy
Labels: ana marie cox, julia allison, This Is Why We Love..., This Thing Looks Like That Thing, Video Of The Day
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