7:55 PM: "Top 3" nite is here. Tonite, our Idols will each be singing *3* songs -- Maura already is taking bets on the over-under on when the show will end tonite -- Clive Davis' [UPDATED: "the Producers'"] pick, a judge's pick, and any song they've already performed this season.
Also, TMZ is reporting that Jordin and Melinda will not only be competing against each other -- they'll be competing against Antonella Barba and Haley Scarnato as well.
8:02 PM: Is my clock off, or is Idol off to a late start tonite? Doesn't bode well for Fox making the upcut to House in time for everyone to turn over to Dancing With The Stars.
8:03 PM: "Top 3" week is also the week traditionally where the semi-finalists go back "home" for a pep rally in their home towns that just happens to be filmed by Idol cameras OMG!!!
I don't like "Top 3" week much, because for all their talk about "song choice", the judges more-often-than-not choose heinously bad songs. And Clive Davis is no better.
First up tonite is Jordin. Jordin learns in Glendale, AZ, that Simon has chosen for her Rose Royce's "Wishing On A Star"
Jordin looks great -- if Amazonian -- in her black-and-white-and-lavender dress.
Randy: "...this is the point of the season where i'm really looking to see who's in-it-to-win-it...that was a great performance...a little Beyonce up there..."
Paula: "...good song choice, Simon...you were wonderful..."
Simon: "...even though i chose that song, i didn't like the jazzy arrangement...not one of your best performances..."
Ironically, Simon is always Mr.-i-don't-know-that-song-so-i'm-gonna-call-it-a-bad-song-choice. I didn't know that song, and the performance was so-so for me. Good, but not home-run good.
8:12 PM: We're in Bothell, WA, where the mayor tells Blake that Paula has chosen The Police's "Roxanne" for him.
Blake's voice is very wrong for this song. His range is limited and it's obvious he's straining. He can't hit any of the high notes Sting used to be able to hit.
This is not good at all.
Randy: "...great performance...a couple of spots for me, but overall i gotta give you an A on that...that was hot..."
Paula: "...you did me proud...that was fantastic..."
Simon: "...i'm not gonna say that was earth-shattering, because it wasn't...the problem with that song is you're always forced to do an impression of Sting, and it wasn't that great...it was good, but not great..."
8:16 PM: Meanwhile, in Nashville, the Governor tells Melinda that Randy chose for her Whitney Houston's "I Believe In You And Me". Uh-oh...WHITNEY HOUSTON!
Melinda is showing some leg tonite in order to prove she actually has a personality.
Okay, that was clearly the best performance of the first three.
Randy: "...that was hot...you blew it out of the park..."
Paula: "...you were fantastic...amazing...one of your best performances of the season..."
Simon: "...very difficult song to sing...one of your best performance of the past four weeks...round 1 goes to Melinda..."
8:25 PM: clearly, there's no way we're making the 9:00 PM upcut. Not only have we only gotten through 3 songs out of 9, we waste our time on one of those Coca-Cola "viewer question" commercials.
Jordin likes Hanson, "Mmbop".
8:26 PM: Round 2 is "Producers' choice". The Producers have chosen Donna Summer's "She Works Hard For The Money" for Jordin.
Jordin has gotten her groove back. That was hot, dawg!
Randy: "...it doesn't really matter what song you do -- you're working it out...that was hot too..."
Paula: "...Jordin, you worked hard for the money tonite...i thought you were fantastic..."
Simon: [laughing at Paula's joke] "...it was a very good performance...the arrangement was a little bit old-fashioned...but very good performance..."
8:29 PM: We get the other Coca-Cola commercial out of the way on Blake's performance. The Producers have chosen Maroon 5's "This Love" for Blake.
This song is a much better fit for Blake's range.
MUCH much better than his first performance.
Randy: "...when you put out a record, you should listen to that...that was your vibe..."
Paula: "...totally in your element...this is a good nite for you..."
Simon: "...i preferred that to your first song...you sounded very comfortable...that was good..."
8:37 PM: Melinda gets what I hope is the last Coca-Cola commercial of the nite.
We're running out of time -- still 4 songs to go. And 300 commercials, too!!!!
The Producers have chosen Tina Turner's "Nutbush City Limits" for Melinda. Another interesting choice, but one that plays to Melinda's strengths AND allows her to move like she has a personality.
That was pretty hot!
Randy: "...when you make your record, you should put some of that in your repertoire..."
Paula: "...what else can we say -- we love you, we love you, we love you!..."
Simon: "...that's why we hired you for this show, Paula...once again, another brilliant performance..."
Ryan: "...who takes that round?"
Simon: "...i'm gonna call that a tie...[other judges agree]"
8:45 PM: Mark Burnett has jumped the shark -- if he hasn't already...On The Lot??? A reality show about film-makers??? With Steven Spielberg???
8:46 PM: Jordin is back with Shirley Bassey's "I Who Have Nothing". Jordin sang this song back in "Top 11" week, which was that alleged "British Invasion" week.
Randy: "...another great performance...best performance of the nite...way to close it out..."
Paula: "...it sat well in your voice...you sounded really great..."
Simon: "...there's no disputing the fact that you sang that very well...but a part of me hated the fact that a 17-year-old was singing singing a 60-year-old song...it was an old-fashoined song and performance...i wish you'd chosen a better song..."
OH!!! Jordin decides to give Simon SHIT about choosing Rose Royce for her: "wasn't Rose Royce in the '70's???"
Simon is confused and pissed.
Jordin is going home this week. Write it down.
8:50 PM: Blake and fellow Seattle-area-beatboxer Sir-Mix-A-Lot are seen beatboxing on "Baby Got Back".
Blake is singing Robin Thicke's "When I Get You Alone".
Faithful Reader and Dear Sister KM is right -- this is terrific!!!
This is what Blake should be doing!
Randy: "...it was cool...it was alright..."
Paula: "...all your songs tonite exemplify who you are as an artist...three really great songs..."
Simon: "...i actually really liked that...this is what i've liked about you throughout the competition...you don't play it safe, you take a risk, you look like you're having fun -- good for you..."
8:57 PM: Last up tonite is Melinda, who's reprising her performance of "I'm A Woman" from her 8 March performance.
This is a good performance, and i do really dig the bit with the "backup singers" [there, we said it -- Ed.]
Randy: "...i'm seeing the range of Melinda Doolittle, and that was hot again...you can sing anything..."
Paula: "...what i love about this performance is, you're stepping out into the spotlight, with no regrets, no looking back, and you're celebrating your whole journey...it's awesome, you're fantastic..."
Simon: "...Melinda, love the little striptease at the top...if i'm gonna award a place in the finals to someone who's delivered consistently week-after-week, it's gonna be you..."
9:04 PM: What, you mean it's already time for House???
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
This Week In Tonight In American Idol [15 May 2007]
Posted by
Rob Murphy
Labels: American Idol, This Week In...
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Your faithful reader has some nits in no special order:
The judges did not all agree that the second round was a tie. Randy said he would give it to Melinda.
Simon was already pissed at Jordin when she said "I've actually never heard that song before"" after singing the song he selected for her. Following it up with the crack about him choosing a 70's song shows just how stupid she is, or as she likes to remind everyone to explain her myopic exposure to pop culture, "I'm only 17!" Liking Hansen speaks for itself. I hope she goes home. Write THAT down.
My clock disagrees with your clock. I tuned it at 8:02, and Jordin's first song was already done. (Not that I am compiaining about missing it.)
Faithful Reader KM has some nits as well.
-- On watching it back, I give the first round to Melinda (but "ouch" on the wrong notes in "I Believe In You And Me"), followed by Jordin and Blake in a virtual dead heat.
-- The second round I call a "tie", but not the way the judges did--I think Melinda and Blake tied and Jordin was way back (Jordin should never sing a fast-tempo song and move around the stage again--she has bad breath control and wheezes into the mike).
-- The last round was no contest. Blake won it by a mile on the virtue of actually learning a third song (and performing it excellently), while the other two repeated their songs. Jordin's "I Who Have Nothing" was very nice but the wrong choice for exactly the reason that Simon articulated; she's a teenager singing ancient songs. Plus, it's not cool to diss Simon on air. As for Melinda, she actually forgot the words to "I'm A Woman" but covered well. But, boo to Melinda for not picking something new to "wow" us with. The order for the final round: Blake, Melinda, Jordin.
So, who should go home? Jordin. Who will go home? Well, Blake is obviously vulnerable because he was bookended by the obvious choice (Melinda) and the producer favorite (Jordin), but DialIdol has Blake's raw vote totals about a mile in front of either lady, so I think Blake will squeak in and leave either Jordin or Melinda on the wrong side looking in.
My clock was slightly off yours as well. They started about 30 sec. late, but missed the 9 PM upcut by almost 2 minutes. Shocking, I know.
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