RELATED: Offer me $10K and I'll photoshop MYSELF to your specifications...
Fact No. 1: faithful readee Gawker Media recently inaugurated a new blog. Jezebel is a blog devoted to snarking about the world of women's fashion and beauty. Think Cosmo with "These 7 seven tricks WILL NOT blow his mind!!! But the truth about Atoosa Rubinstein just might!!!" [Maybe a LITTLE too inside??? -- Ed.] Their motto -- "Celebrity, Sex, Fashion. Without Airbrushing."
Fact No. 2: Faith Hill is a beautiful woman. Two months away from her 40th birthday, this Mother 0f three lovely girls [and Wife of Tim McGraw] should have no shame over a few lines here and there.
Fact No. 3: EVERY magazine cover you see when you buy your cold medicine and band-aids or whatevs at the CVS is so photoshopped it bears no resemblance to anything you or I would relate to "reality".
[uh...insert "break" here perhaps when this gets fixed -- Ed.]
Fact No. 4: Jezebel famously offered a $10 thousand bounty for a major magazine cover pic "before" the requisite photoshop job. [sorry, we can't find the original offer now -- just trust us -- Ed.]
Fact No. 5: Nick Denton is cutting a check for 10-Large as I write this.
Yes, today, someone emailed Jezebel a "before" pic of Faith Hill on the cover of the July Redbook. And here's the before, along with the after [of course -- you can figure out which is which]:
[image courtesy Jossip via Jezebel]
This story blew up the celebribloggosphere on Monday. Take a look at the differences between these two photos. Among other things that are obviously different:
* the "eye bags"
* the "back fat"
* the right arm -- where is it in "the original" photo?
* the thinner left arm
* the freckles and moles on the left arm
* and, uh, why???
* no, seriously -- why???
Longtime-faithful readers know how much I hate gettin' all Jack Shafer and shit up in y'allz grillz and shit, but...
Assuming the "before" photo is real -- a big assumption -- Redbook -- and Faith Hill -- have lots of questions to answer -- the above questions, to be exact...
...But it also -- OMG totes coincidentally -- put [BRAND NEW!!! GAWKER MEDIA blog] Jezebel on the map...
...And we here at DHMBIB would never be so cynical as to suggest that a brand-new blog...
Two notes:
1) Okay, Jezebel, so you're OK! If you offered to pay me $10K for something bloggable, I might photoshop anything you wanted -- I might even "reverse-photoshop" Redbook's July cover, just for you and your $10K payday.
So, a little more disclosure would be a good thing...Just sayin'...
2) "On The Internet, Nobody Knows You're A Dog."
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
BREAKING: Ask American Celebremag Covers No Questions And They Will STILL Tell You Lies
Posted by
Rob Murphy
Labels: Faith Hill, Gawker Media, Jack Shafer, Jezebel, This Thing Looks Like That Thing
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