Tuesday, July 24, 2007

BREAKING: Area Blogger Makes Painfully Obvious Lindsay Lohan / Amy Winehouse "Rehab" Joke

Well, that didn't take long, now did it?

Less than 12 hours after Lindsay Lohan melted down again, was arrested for DUI, and was shipped off to rehab, some webtard had the genius idea of mashing up clips of our dear LiLo with Amy Winehouse's song "Rehab".

Actually, it's pretty clever -- and it's my "Video Of The Day".


1 comment:

Kimberly M., a.k.a. KimberlyKnits said...

O.K., first? You rule.

Second? That was funny as sh-t.

Third? Excellent mashup; it almost looked like LLo was really singing Amy's song.

Fourth? There's no fourth.

Fifth? Yes, please; make mine Captain Morgan.