* Breaking: American Idol runners-up really are just like everyone else:
Katharine McPhee chats on her phone, feeds her meter, enjoys being stalked by paparazzi:
Katharine, love the shoes!!!
* Breaking: AI-hating dude who just fucking wanted to fucking share his fucking photos with his fucking friends is not fucking interested in fucking being the fucking AI-goto blog:
Eric over at deathbycamera does a post-mortem on his website meltdown as a result of his oh, ya know, collecting MySpace profiles on AI contestants. He says he only did it because he was bored, and he never expected all the extra traffic, because, ya know, the 37 million viewers that tuned in each night last week wouldn't care about such things. In retrospect, maybe it was not the best idea to mail several highly-trafficked music and celebretainment blogs about his posts:
Subject: the myspace accounts of american idol contestants
From: eric.dbc@gmail.com
Date: 1/17/07 2:56 AM
To: tips@stereogum.com; tips@defamer.com; tips@gawker.com; tips@idolator.com; tips@socialitelife.comI don’t know if anybody is watching the new season of American Idol, I don’t know if anybody really cares. Here’s the thing: I got really fucking bored tonight and started searching for the idiots that were on American Idol on myspace and found 11 of them. Some of them were winners, most of them were losers.
You can check it out here.
Yes, dude actually wrote: "I don’t know if anybody is watching the new season of American Idol, I don’t know if anybody really cares."

Eric, dude, think of all the Adsense revenue you left on the table!!!
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