Sunday, September 30, 2007

BREAKING: "Shakira" Is The New "Bono"

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[image courtesy TMZ via FilmMagic, obvs.]

Pretty much no one who's reading this knows that I've been a HUGE fan of Shakira since long before anyone in the english-as-a-first-language-world had any idea who she is/was. Even my ex-wife -- 11 years ago!!! -- thought it was weird that I so idolized someone whose lyrics I could not understand.

Anyway, on Friday, at Bill Clinton's Global Initiative summit, the Colombian-born Shakira pledged $45 million to help the people of Nicaragua and Peru recover from recent natural disasters there, and to help educate kids throughout Latin America.

No snark here.

Seriously...$45 million.

This story really speaks for itself, and we cannot think of a better "translation" of "this is why we love Shakira".

Shakira, te amo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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