You really disappointed me this weekend.
Over the weekend, I started thinking about how this was the best time of the year for big-time music stars. There are all sorts of opportunities to make high-profile appearances. Just in the last three weekends, we've had the Super Bowl, the Grammys, the Daytona 500, and the NBA All-Star Game. Next weekend is the Oscars. All of these high-profile teevee/entertainment events provide an excellent opportunity for big-name music stars to reach mass audiences to plug their new projects shill for Oscar votes or record sales entertain us with their great art.
But I rely on You to record all of this for me so I can mooch off Your hard work and link to it.
Yes, I know. You think I could just do this myself. I know what You're thinking -- it's just as "easy" for me to record this, edit it, upload it to YouTube, etc., as it is for You. Except: 1) I don't have cable [or satellite, or carrier-pigeon-TV, thank goodness for that], which means I only get to see a handful of channels at home 2) with my crappy antenna, which doesn't produce good video, and 3) I'm usually not home when these events occur, because I want to see them clearly with friends, etc. So, You see, I can't really do this myself. That's why I rely on You to do this for me.
That's why I'm so disappointed in Your [lack of] efforts this weekend.
I was thinking over the weekend I would do a "high points and low points of musical performances over the weekend" post. But I can't find several of the key performances on YouTube or anywhere else. Big & Rich singing the National Anthem at the Daytona 500? Nope. Toni Braxton performing at the half at the NBA All-Star Game? Nope.
So, clip-challenged because of YOU, I decided to work with what I could find. So I present: This Week In Christina Aguilera & Christina-Aguilera-Wannabes...
Regular readers of this blog should not be surprised that I have declared Christina Aguilera's half-time performance at the NBA All-Star Game to be the best of the weekend. Coming off her bringing-the-house-down performance at the Grammys one week earlier, Christina humbled Toni Braxton -- her "opening act" -- on Sunday nite with her performance of "Ain't No Other Man" and "Candy Man". Fortunately for You, someone else got the whole thing up on YouTube:
[Spoiler alert: Xtina was rocking platinum-blond hair and bright red lipstick during this performance.]
Yes, Xtina is singing live. And she obvs don't need no ProTools help. Unlike...
Well-known American Idol 1 winner and Xtina leech wannabe Kelly Clarkson was the "featured" pre-race performer at the Daytona 500 on Sunday afternoon. Apparently, there is a difference between the "studio" KC and the "live" KC. Kelly performed three songs -- the predictable "Since U Been Gone" and "Miss Independent", and, sandwiched between them, a new song called "One Minute". Kelly's performances of "Since U Been Gone" and "Miss Independent" were predictably jump-up-and-down-and-throw-your-hands-in-the-air-errific, but not equal to the "recorded" versions we all know and love.
And no thanks to You, only her performance of "One Minute" has made it to the internets.
What's that smell??? Smells like teen spirit record company viral marketing to me:
But I will give Kelly Clarkson mad props for this: she managed to grow 9 inches of hair in only 24 hours -- compare and contrast the Sunday video above with this photo from Daytona Saturday:
P.S. I actually liked Kelly's outfit on Sunday. I hope she remembered the sunscreen for her back -- she strikes me as the pale-skin-burns-easily type.
Monday, February 19, 2007
This Week In Christina Aguilera & Christina-Aguilera-Wannabes
Posted by
Rob Murphy
Labels: American Idol, Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson, This Week In..., You, YouTube
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